Reunion Dinner on New Year’s Eve in Yunnan 云南年夜饭

来源: 云南旅游文化时报 | 时间:2018-02-13


    Overseas Chinese Town (OCT) New Year Lantern Festival started. Tourists in China and abroad enjoyed an unprecedented Chinese New Year cultural feast. 

      华侨城世博新春灯会开幕,海内外游客感受新春文化盛宴。(孟志刚 摄)

     The Second Rapeseed Blossom Culture Tourism Festival was officially held in Menghu Village of Yongren County of Chuxiong. Tourists enjoyed singing and dancing performances while appreciating rapeseed blossoms. 


FOCUS | 焦点

一桌年夜饭,准备时间从数日到数月不等。 年夜饭的餐桌上,保山人爱一碗火烧肉,昆明人少不了一道长菜,丽江人必定要煮一个纳西火锅, 生皮和鱼冻伴随一代代大理人度过团圆之夜……

云南人吃年夜饭的时间,也不尽相同。彝家人说彝族年是“嘴巴的节日”,一般是在农历十月,坨坨肉、鸡肉、腊肉、火腿、香肠等都是年夜饭必备佳肴;居住在西双版纳的傣族同胞则把一年中最隆重的这顿饭放在 4 月份享用,37 度的高温天气里,酸扒菜、舂菜有着别样的酸爽味觉体验。关于年夜饭的记忆从餐桌上丰盛的菜肴蔓延开来,融入浓浓情意的美食,散发出的香气,早已超越了菜肴本身的馥郁。

It takes several days or even months to prepare a reunion dinner on the Spring Festival Eve. On the table of that dinner, Baoshan people would love to have a bowl of fire-roasted pork; Kunming locals want to have a dish of stewed vegetables; Lijiang citizens will certainly go for a Naxi style hotpot; while people in Dali will have specially-made raw hogskin and cold fish jelly to celebrate the family reunion night. 

The starting time for the reunion dinner is different within Yunnan. The Yi people refer Yi’s new year as a ‘festival for mouth’, usually in lunar month of October, and Yi people will prepare pork, chicken, bacon, ham and sausages for the reunion dinner; the Dai ethnic group who lives in Xishuangbanna will have their most important reunion dinner in April, which is a refreshing experience to have pickled bamboo shoots and pounded fish with vegetables in the scorching weather that may go up to 37℃ . The memory of the reunion dinner on Chinese New Year’s Eve spreads through the abundant cuisines, and the mouth-watering flavor of the food bears more meanings than the delicious meal itself.


 All developed countries in the world acknowledge the importance of “seed banks”. Though China is a developing country, it also attaches importance to the development of “seed banks”. In the Southwest of China’s Yunnan Province where a large number of species exist, there is one seed bank named Southwest China Germplasm Bank of Wildlife. It is said that the seeds preserved in the bank can germinate even thousands of years later.

全世界发达国家都认同“种子基因库”的重要性。在“生命最丰富” 的中国西南,也建造了一艘种子的诺亚方舟,那就是中国西南野生生物种质资源库。保存在这里的种子,上千年后依然能萌发。


Over 100 years ago, Yunnan had, among its lofty mountains and high ranges, the first railway. Oddly though, the railway was connected not to the cities within China as it was supposed to, but to those in the neighboring countries, adding yet another oddity to the roster of “eighteen oddities in Yunnan ”. As the train roared on, the city Mengzi, tucked away in the southeast of Yunnan province, gained its fame as well, along with its “crossing-the-bridge noodles”. 

时光回转到一百多年前,吞火吐云的铁龙从西方来到云南的崇山峻岭之中,于是云南十八怪多了一 怪:“火车不通国内通国外”。 在火车的轰鸣声中,边陲一隅的蒙自城开始出名了,蒙自的过桥米线 也随之渐渐扬名天下。


         Go is one of the quintessences of Chinese culture. The design of its board and stones is very special. The vertical and horizontal lines on the board seem like either waterways or a map, so the board is also named “He Luo (meaning the network of waterways)” or “Wu Tu (meaning the map of Wu)”. Go stones have two colors. The black ones are as black as crows, while the white ones are as white as egrets. That is why Go stones are also known as “Wu Lu (meaning crows and egrets)” or “Hei Bai (meaning black and white)”. Go stones are strongly related to Yunnan.

       古时“琴棋书画”是文人骚客修身所必须掌握的技能,而琴棋书画中的棋指的便是围棋。 围棋属中国国粹,围棋的棋盘、棋子大有讲究。围棋盘上纵横交叉的线条,犹如河网、地图一般,有人称之为“河洛”或“吴 图”。围棋的棋子颜色为黑白二色,黑子似乌鸦,白子如白鹭, 有人称它为“乌鹭”,也有人称 为“黑白”。而云南便和这“黑 白”有着极为深厚的渊源。

ART | 艺术

    With my mind’s eye, I catch sight of the blur of the promised land, boundless,lonesome and bleak.Sensitive and narcissistic by nature as I am, those scenes and memories are seared into my brain at that moment, though they are just a whim stealing into my heart. There, those no man’s quarters are smiling a lonely smile,those solitary parks are dolling themselves up for no one, and those off-the-beaten-track pathways still bear the scars and witness the longing of travelers. — Bai Xuejuan

      看到和存留在心上的美好之境,空旷孤寂冷清,敏感自恋,是我静悄悄一个人的突发奇想和心里挥之不去的景象和记忆。 那些独自欢畅的无人之境,那些孤独 的花园,独自飘零的旅途中的伤痕和呼唤。 ——白雪娟


As the Spring Festival is approaching,plenty of international tourists chose to spend their holiday in China for the festive atmosphere.In the departure hall of Kunming Changshui International Airport,the colorful flowers in the Airport Flower Shop drew passengers’ attention. They couldn’t help having a closer look at the flower bouquet, flower boxes, preserved fresh flower key rings, colorful bottle light and so on. Many passengers excitedly purchase these floral souvenirs regardless of their full luggages.Flowers, an icon of Yunnan, deliver the indigenous charm of Yunnan to the guests all over the world.

即将迎来中国的春节,很多国际友人早就预订好行程,来中国感受中华传统节日氛围。昆明长水机场出发大厅,空港花卉店五彩斑斓的花草前,来自世界各地拉着大大小小行李箱的游客,都忍不住停下脚步,走近瞧一瞧,闻一闻花香,摸一摸质感。手工花束、多色花盒、保真花草钥匙扣、彩瓶灯……每一件都让人爱不释手,即便是行李箱早已塞满,也还是要手捧一束回家。鲜花,是一张芬芳的云南名片,向世 界各地的客人表达着云南魅力。


