Highlights of the fourth issue. 用你的洪荒之力,解锁“辣眼睛”的第四期吧!

来源: 云南旅游文化时报 | 时间:2016-08-13



The opening ceremony of the 2nd China-CEEC Summer Dance Camp was held in Shiping County. 

7 月 16 日,第二届中国— 中东欧国家舞蹈夏令营石屏营 开营仪式在石屏县举行。 


Black Dragon Pool Park and Yunnan Han Costume Association jointly sponsored a “Dialogue between Yunnan Tea and Han Costume”. Tourists experienced the charm of Han Costume while enjoying tea sipping. 

7 月 30 日 , 黑龙潭公园携 手云南汉服协会,开展了一场 “滇茶与汉服的对话”活动, 让游客在品茶过程中,体味汉服韵味。


Torch festival is the most ceremonious and grandiose festival of Yi people and is popular in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan provinces. Ethnic groups of Bai, Naxi, Jinuo and Lahu people also join the celebration. The festival usually falls on either 24th or 25th of June on Chinese lunar calendar and lasts three days. The festival is celebrated in various ways in Kunming City, Stone Forest County, Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture and Yuxi City.


FOCUS | 焦点

Crossing Jurassic to experience a dinosaur kingdom in Yunnan


Walking through each dinosaur fossil relic site in Yunnan, you will feel as if you are placed in the Jurassic world hundreds of million years ago. Come and have a fascinating time-travel journey! 

行走于云南的各个恐龙化石遗迹点,你会仿佛置身于亿 万年前的侏罗纪世界,来一场美妙的穿越之旅吧! 


The flowering plant closest to the snow line

雪莲 用花朵亲吻雪线

In the eyes of most Kung fu fans, the snow lotus is an essential court treasure. In the Kung fu novels written by Jin Yong and Liang Yusheng, it is a panacea for bringing the dead back to life as well as the most valuable gift of affection to a lady from a chivalrous man, due to its pure, noble, mysterious and beautiful qualities...... 

对于大多武侠迷来说,雪莲花是宫廷奇珍的必备之物,是在金庸、梁羽生武侠小说中能起死回生 的灵丹妙药。因其冰清玉洁、神秘美丽,亦是侠士向侠女表达爱慕之情最珍贵的礼物...... 


Banknotes issued by Fudian Bank of the Republic of China:

Witness to the first currency war in Yunnan


Yunnan Provincial Archives contains a collection of banknotes issued by FudianBank in 1927 and 1929. This collection is also known as old Yunnan currency, with which a story of the first currency war in Yunnan unfolds.

云南省档案馆里收藏有民国富滇银行 1927 年、1929 年发行的一套纸币,又称旧滇币。这套藏品讲述了云南人经历第一场货币战争的故事。

ART | 艺术

Shanren got their ploy


“As the contemporary cultures keep penetrating into people’s mind, secluded voices in deep mountains are fading away,” so laments the synopsis of the Band Shanren on Douban.com. Shanren, or mountain hermits, nevertheless self-applaud their band for roaming between cities and mountains.

“随着现代文明气息的越发深入人心,埋藏在山里的声音却在一点点消逝 。”这是豆瓣山人乐队小站的简介中的一句话,他们一直以“游走于城市与山”自诩。


Peony pendant of Huanglong jade


FOOD | 美食

Mushroom —A taste of Yunnan during the rainy season

菌子 雨季云南味

Mushroom has no definitive word that encompasses what the Yunnan people know of the fungus. Mushroom is a botanical term, and in Yunnan, it is called the ‘jun’. When Yunnan locals say this word, in whatever dialect, they are referring to the fungi that quietly rise through the soft red soil and the thick and rotting leaves in their hometown during the rainy season.

